Scroll down to see future and past (shown with dates crossed out) events from Delta Wind Birds. DWB also offers custom nature tours for small groups, including dawn “duck blind” visits to the private Four Winds Refuge in Humphreys County, MS, near Sky Lake. To inquire about rates and possibilities, please email us at

For more excellent nature events in Mississippi, please visit the website of the Friends of Chakchiuma Swamp, who maintain Lee Tartt Nature Preserve in Grenada.

Spring Weekend at Sky Lake
to Apr 6

Spring Weekend at Sky Lake

Please join us for part or all of this weekend-long series of outdoor events at Sky Lake. Participants are welcome to come and go as desired, but advance registration is required.

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North Delta Winter Birding

North Delta Winter Birding

Winter birding in the northern Mississippi Delta can be very exciting, with huge flocks of wintering geese (Snow, Ross's, Greater White-fronted) and other waterfowl and good chances for local winter specialties such as Sprague’s Pipit, Sandhill Crane, Lapland Longspur, Barn Owl, Brewer's Blackbird, and rare sub-species of Red-tailed Hawk. We’ll look for these species and more on this guided field trip. Click HERE for more information and to register.

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North Delta Winter Birding

North Delta Winter Birding

Winter birding in the northern Mississippi Delta can be very exciting, with huge flocks of wintering geese (Snow, Ross's, Greater White-fronted) and other waterfowl and good chances for local winter specialties such as Sandhill Crane, LeConte's Sparrow, Barn Owl, Brewer's Blackbird, and rare sub-species of Red-tailed Hawk. We’ll look for these species and more on this guided field trip. Click HERE for more information and to register.

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Spring Weekend at Sky Lake
to Apr 16

Spring Weekend at Sky Lake

Please join us for part or all of this weekend-long series of outdoor events at Sky Lake. Participants are welcome to come and go as desired, but advance registration is required. Please click here for details and to register.

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Winter Grassland Birding and Sparrow Identification Workshop

Winter Grassland Birding and Sparrow Identification Workshop

In this outdoor workshop led by J.R. Rigby and other DWB team members, we’ll enjoy winter grassland birds, and we’ll focus on identification of sparrows. This subtle and beautiful group of birds can be difficult to identify, but we’ll help you focus on key characteristics, including unique vocalizations. You will also receive a take home quick ID guide for later use. Click HERE for more details and to register.

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Nature Tour at Sky Lake

Nature Tour at Sky Lake

Please join us for part or all of this free, guided field trip to the Sky Lake area, which includes multiple sites and an optional catered lunch. Participants are welcome to come and go as desired. Please click here for details and to register.

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Shorebird photography with Michael Sandoz, a DWB webinar

Shorebird photography with Michael Sandoz, a DWB webinar

In this video webinar hosted by DWB board member Kristina Mitchell, we interviewed Michael Sandoz, a Mississippi Gulf Coast native and highly talented nature photographer. Using some of Michael’s best shorebird photos as examples, we talked to him all about his approach to shorebird photography, including strategy, technique, and equipment. Everyone from casual bird-lovers to serious nature photographers will enjoy this event. To watch a recording, please first make a donation (of any size), and then send us an e-mail ( to request the link to watch the recording.

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Joint Field Day: Lee Tartt Nature Preserve and Sky Lake, co-hosted by Friends of Chakchiuma Swamp and Delta Wind Birds

Joint Field Day: Lee Tartt Nature Preserve and Sky Lake, co-hosted by Friends of Chakchiuma Swamp and Delta Wind Birds

Please join us for a full day of nature enjoyment in north Mississippi, highlighting some of our most special and lesser-known wetlands. The trip will be jointly led by Robin Whitfield and others from the Friends of Chakchiuma Swamp, and Jason Hoeksema and other members of the Delta Wind Birds team. We will be learning about all facets of natural history encountered, including plants, fungi, birds, and other animals.

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Who are the wind birds? Part 2: Identification of fall migrating shorebirds (continued)

Who are the wind birds? Part 2: Identification of fall migrating shorebirds (continued)

In this webinar, presented live via Zoom, we’ll complete our in-depth look at identification of shorebirds in fall, focusing especially on shorebirds migrating through Mississippi Delta region. In this continuation of Part 2, we’ll finish the medium-sized sandpipers, cover the peeps, and talk about Long-billed versus Short-billed Dowitcher. To view archived recordings of our shorebird ID presentations, please first make a donation of your choice to DWB using the button at the top right, and then send us an e-mail ( to request the links.

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Who are the wind birds? Part 2: Identification of fall migrating shorebirds.

Who are the wind birds? Part 2: Identification of fall migrating shorebirds.

In this webinar, presented live via Zoom, we’ll go in-depth on identification of shorebirds in fall, focusing especially on shorebirds migrating through Mississippi Delta region. In this session, we will cover the basics of some common species, especially larger and medium-sized species, including some challenging groups such as the yellowlegs. We will emphasize the Mississippi Delta region, but there will be relevant content for anyone interested in these birds. To view archived recordings of our shorebird ID presentations, please first make a donation of your choice to DWB using the button at the top right, and then send us an e-mail ( to request the links.

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Who are the wind birds? Part 1: Introduction to shorebirds and their conservation

Who are the wind birds? Part 1: Introduction to shorebirds and their conservation

This webinar will be presented live via Zoom and Facebook. In Part 1, we’ll introduce some of these beautiful characters and talk about their amazing migratory behavior, where and when to find them, and what can be done to help their declining populations. Please join us! We will emphasize the Mississippi Delta region, but there will be relevant content for anyone interested in these birds. To view archived recordings of our shorebird ID presentations, please first make a donation of your choice to DWB using the button at the top right, and then send us an e-mail ( to request the links.

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Woodcocks & Wine Potluck

Woodcocks & Wine Potluck

This fun event will take place at Strawberry Plains Audubon Center (SPAC) near Holly Springs. Participants should arrive between 4:30 and 5:00 p.m. We’ll start with an indoor presentation about American Woodcock biology and shorebird conservation. Next we’ll head outside (wagon departing ~5:40 p.m.) to watch for the amazing courtship display of male American Woodcocks. Finally, we’ll return to the Visitor’s Center for a potluck dinner (optional, but highly encouraged) and heart-warming beverages (BYOB/BYOW). Cost is $20/person (students free!), in advance or at the door.

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Bird Bash at Oxford Treehouse Gallery

Bird Bash at Oxford Treehouse Gallery

This evening fundraising event at the beautiful Oxford Treehouse Gallery will feature a wide variety of art at the gallery, live music, dinner & drinks, silent auction, and updates on local bird conservation efforts. Cost is $40/person, and advance registration is required. All proceeds will support DWB’s efforts to foster habitat for migratory birds in the Mississippi Delta.

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